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Men Share The Biggest Downsides To Being Male

In spite of considerable work being, and progress, made to change things, it remains a fact that men have countless advantages in modern society.

In addition to not having to deal with several biological issues all women must endure, men still seem to have the upper hand when applying for positions of power, or being trusted with major responsibilities.

As a result, those who do not identify as men often roll their eyes when men of any age offer even the slightest complaint.

Which doesn't mean that plenty of men still maintain that there are definite downsides to carrying those he/him pronouns.

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Women Explain Which 'Guy Problems' They Just Don't Understand
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The internet, as dark is it often becomes, can be a wonderful place to retrieve information.

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Guys Break Down Which Gifts They Actually Want To Receive This Holiday Season
Image by Yvette Fang from Pixabay

In our toxically masculine, gender-obsessed world that pigeon holes us all into a couple categories, it can be easy to make some assumptions about which items make the best gifts for certain people.

But a recent Reddit thread turned that all on its head.

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Men are confusing creatures, even to other men. We do weird things, act tough for no reason, and often fear emotion. Why? Who knows.

Rancerle asked men of Reddit: What about men confuses you?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Toxic masculinity is responsible for so much nonsensical behavior. Guys, it's not cute to always have to assert your dominance. All it does is exude insecurity. Plus, it costs $0.00 to not be a douche.

tokenbisexual asked men of Reddit: What's the most pathetic/ridiculous thing another man has done in attempt to assert his dominance over you?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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