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The Worst Examples Of Corporate Rebranding Ever

Reddit user onlyahippowilldo asked: 'What's the dumbest corporate rebranding?'

group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops on Unsplash

Companies often chase change when profits dip.

But if they aren't careful, they can destroy the very thing that appealed to consumers.

Anyone remember "new Coke"?

Intended to be a permanent replacement for their flagship product, it was branded New Coke by the public.

Backlash lead to "Classic Coke" being reintroduced to the marketplace.

The product was a reformulation introduced by The Coca-Cola Company in April 1985. It was renamed Coke II in 1990 then finally discontinued in July 2002.

It's now taught as a lesson in what not to do in business and marketing.

But Coca-Cola isn't the only one to stumble.

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Proteing powder and a shake
Nature Zen/Unsplash

Consumers these days are required to do some research before making a purchase on something they don't necessarily need.

But advertisers have upped their marketing strategies to persuade customers that they need certain products and that they are being offered them at a competitive rate.

Don't be fooled. There's a reason why the Latin phrase "caveat emptor" –Let the buyer beware– is commonly thrown around.

Not every product out there is life-changing.

Instead, they are nothing but a tactic to manipulate consumers to fork over their hard-earned cash willingly.

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When it comes to selling, some people will use gimmicks to get people interested. Sometimes, these are fairly entertaining, like playing an intense commercial on TV only to be selling something not as intense, such as a camera.

Other times, these gimmicks are actually tricks, using enticing pricing, misleading wording, or even unclear graphics to convince people to buy something they may not even need.

People have, for the most part, wised up when it comes to these gimmicks, but everyone has that one trick they still fall for, and it never gets any less annoying when we do fall victim to them.

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People Explain Which Products Were Completely Hyped Up But Absolutely Flopped When Released
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The market of product delivery is a fickle, sometimes senseless beast. There have been so many fads, inventions and ideas that everyone was sure would revolutionize the world. Moments of creative advertising and strategic planning and unveiling go into the perfect introduction. The budgets are blown are cash is thrown.

The heralding of something new and innovative is trumpeted. The hype is big and the anticipation high. Then every once in a while... THUD! What was to be the next big thing is the next big floppy disaster.

Redditor u/MexPoosyConoisseur wanted to compare notes on the items that left us disappointed, by asking:

What was hugely hyped up but flopped?
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People Break Down The Most Successful Propaganda Efforts Of All Time
Image by Javier Rodriguez from Pixabay

Thanks to the deterioration of our democracy and political landscape the line between fact and fiction has officially evaporated. It's all a blur and anything goes.

We've all been taken in and mislead by major campaigns of marketing and propaganda.

But any historian will tell you that the feeling seems new, but it has long been a successful practice since the dawn of time.

We live in a world of lies. Politics, entertainment, food, fitness, education... there is no end to the amount purposefully mishandled or manipulated information.

Redditor u/AdEducational7137 wanted to hear about the marketing efforts that surprisingly, got us, by asking:

What is the most successful propaganda effort in history?
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