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People Break Down The Worst Corporate Marketing And PR Disasters Ever

Reddit user LeatherFruitPF asked: 'What are some of the worst corporate blunders or PR disasters in history?'

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Photo by Mahbod Akhzami on Unsplash

Some of us are more comfortable with advertisements, commercials, and sponsored content that we see on television and social media, but we can all agree that there is some truly cringey content out there.

But there have been some completely side-eye-worthy blunders that have happened at the corporate level that earned a company or product more attention than their marketing ever could, cringey or not.

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That Construction Worker Influencer Account That Blew Up On Instagram After A Viral Tweet Turned Out To Be A Marketing Stunt All Along
Imgur, @justaconstructionguy/Instagram, Instagram

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Turns out the whole thing was a marketing hoax concocted by a small coffee company called Cuvée Coffee.

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