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A devastated woman covers her face
Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

We all reach points where we wonder if our choices were correct.

How can we not look back and try to figure out the road map that got us where we are?

It's an exhausting experience.

And sometimes the idea of self-reflection catches us by surprise.

But it can be an essential ask.

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People Explain Which Things Make Them Irrationally Angry
Image by monicore from Pixabay

Rage is unhealthy and toxic. It can turn your hair prematurely grey and can cause ulcers. Anger also has a direct link to anxiety and depression. That's why we have to be careful about what causes raging outbursts. Going into a state of anger over any little thing is not the way to get through a day. It only leads to more chaos, but sometimes chaos, is unavoidable.

Redditor u/Cumconsumer12 wanted everyone to share about the things that can make one fly on the handle by asking... What makes you really angry?
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People Break Down The Stupidest Reason A Random Stranger Got Upset With Them
methodshop from Pixabay

Whatever happened to depending on the kindness of strangers?

Often times it feels like every stranger is my own personal comic book villain.

It says a lot about us as a society when something as simple as a "good day to you" can spark a riot.

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Lord give me strength! That is always a favorite of mine. When anger is taking over one's emotions the mouth tends to let loose. And in the past week I'm sure a lot of letting loose has been going on. We all have that one line... or five, that really encompass those special, singular moments of rage. These are the lines that let others know it's times to hide, children know to run and strangers often just cry. It's a signature line, that expresses emotion honestly and to perfection.

Redditor u/PCubiles wanted everyone to divulge what responses are like knee jerk reactions when their nerves are tested by asking.... What's your favorite thing to say when you're angry?
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People Divulge The Things That Absolutely Make Their Blood Boil
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

There are just some things in life that can drive us all to madness!!

Why do people have to behave in a certain ways?

Now none of us is perfect, yes, but some of our actions need to be called out.

We're driving each other crazy, whether it be through ignorance or spitefulness. And don't even get me started on the infuriating issues that occur through technology.

Life really can propel anyone to drink. A LOT!

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