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Views of commitment and monogamy in romantic relationships continue to evolve.

More and more couples have decided to open their relationships, seeing other people while still remaining committed to one another.

Dating someone who's in an open relationship can take some getting used to, however, as the feeling of knowing your new romantic interest is going home to their spouse or partner following your date is strange, to say the least.

Then too, can you ever be certain that they are in fact in an "open relationship," and not just cheating on their partner?

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People Explain Whether They Think Cheaters Will Always Cheat Again
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You want to look for the best in people.

Knowing someone who once cheated on their significant other in a past relationship, or maybe this individual even cheated on you, can be a difficult thing to look past. There might always be that seed of doubt in your heart, knowing they can flip a switch and emotionally or physically break their bond with you again.

Or maybe you're capable of giving that trust over, knowing people can learn from their mistakes.

Always good to see what the internet has to say.

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Friendships are an invaluable part of our lives.

But they can take some real work to maintain.

Sometimes things go bad really fast, though.

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There is significant evidence to suggest that kids become more dishonest with their parents when their parents lie to them. And kids who grow up in environments were lying is tolerated will develop more antisocial and aggressive behavior.

Kids aren't stupid–so it's pretty stunning that so many adults talk down to them or deceive them in some way, as when they tell them potentially damaging lies.

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Just because someone wears luxury clothing and jewelry, it does not necessarily mean they are wealthy.

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