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Why do humans doubt the inner voice?

Or that sickening feeling in the pit of our stomachs.

That's our intuition at play.

Some are more in tune than others, though.

And most of us just act like it's not there.

But when we do listen, when we do take that feeling seriously, it can save lives.

The gut knows.

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People Share Their Best 'Right Place At The Right Time' Experiences
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

There are certain moments in life that are inexplicable. Somehow the Universe lined up your life with that of something else's, and by pure luck, you just happen to be in the right place at the right time to change your's, or someone else's, life. And the stories you're about to read are from just a few of the lucky ones.

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Doctors Share Their Craziest 'How Are You Still Alive?' Stories
Sawitree Pamee/EyeEm/ Getty Images

Miraculous recoveries aren't just for the movies!

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Employees Share Their 'I Can't Believe I Get Paid For This' Stories
Photo by Shane on Unsplash

Sometimes we just fall into a big pool of luck. And once we're in it we are stunned by the turn of events. But never question it. Just go with it. If that luck spills into finding a job that reaps treasure, treasure you know you're fully earning, just say thank you Universe. There are plenty of people in jobs they loathe and are being underpaid. Remember them.

Redditor user TheLegendH1mself wanted to know who lucked out employment-wise by asking...

What were some "I can't believe i'm getting paid for this" moments at your job?
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