love story

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The start of love is always such a fascinating topic.

How do you all find each other?

The meet-up is such a thing for so many.

But apparently, it can be magic.

Redditors wanted to share how they find their partners in the most unlikely ways.

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People Describe The Most Embarrassing Date They've Ever Been On
Image by Oliana Gruzdeva from Pixabay

I'm so over dating. I'm gonna die alone and I'm fine with it. I can't, I just can't even deal with the search for love anymore.

And I felt this way long before COVID. It is like having another career. There are so many nutjobs running amok.

And truthfully once and awhile, we are the nutjobs. How could you not be after living through date disaster after disaster.

As if just putting oneself out there isn't bad enough, most of the time dating itself all falls apart.

Redditor u/ExtremeSeason3708 wanted everyone to pour a glass of wine and dish about dates nights gone awry by asking:

What's the most embarrassing date you've been on?
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Married People Share The First Impression They Had Of Their Spouse
Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

It's often said that first impressions are everything. When we all come face to face for the very first time, what one can gleam says all we'll ever need to know about another's intentions. But in actuality first impressions can be tricky. There is a lot to learn about a person over time. And when eyes are first locked, we're strangers, and you never know what is happening in a stranger's life. Food for thought, or, first impressions are spot on.

Redditor u/sideacc64642 wanted marrieds out there to share some love details about their beginnings by asking... Married people of reddit, what was your first impression of your spouse?
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People Break Down What It's Really Like To Marry Your High School Sweetheart
Image by klimkin from Pixabay

Everyone deserves as epic love story, and only a small percentage of the world actually gets one. So its always fun to hear about the times when matters of the heart work out. Everybody assumes that people too young to vote are not capable of understanding and navigating the emotions and drama of love, that's why we're all encouraged to wait until we're older, but the heart is going to act no matter how young. And the mind be damned. And sometimes it all works out, sort of....

Redditor u/glasssofwater wanted to hear the truth about all the stories that continue after "I DO" by asking..... What's it like to marry your high school sweetheart?
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Interracial Couples Explain What Shocked Them Most About Their Significant Other's Culture
Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Once upon a time mixing race and culture when it came to matters of the heart was tragically forbidden. The heart is going to love who it loves. And when it comes to finding happiness no one should be stopped by different cultural backgrounds. It can be loud and confusing to learn and navigate a loved one's family and all that comes with it. History is imperative in knowing your partner. It's also highly educational and hilarious!!!

Redditor u/haunted-shark wanted to hear from all the lovers out there, about what it's been like to be mixed in race, in their love story and how they learned about one another's histories by wondering.... Interacial couples, what shocked you the most about your SO's culture?
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