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I thought about being a delivery driver once.

Then I remembered the heinous pranks my friends and I would play on the pizza guys.


Also, after years of watching Dateline NBC, I'm not walking alone up to or into strangers' homes.

I can only imagine what some of these brave people walk away with burned on their psyche.

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People Share The Sure Signs That You've Lost The Argument

Arguing and fighting are basic parts of life. Sad isn't it?

We're humans, we are destined to disagree from time to time.

Or if you look at the state of Congress... it's just the natural order to be in constant battle.

The biggest problem about a fight is no one wants to admit they're wrong.

But inevitably, someone has to cave. And 8 times out of 10, there is a "right" party.

And when you're truly wrong, you know it.

But can you say it? Even for peace?

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People Divulge The Dumbest Reason They've Ever Lost A Friend
Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Good friendships are hard to come by. So when we have a loyal and trustworthy friend, we want to hold on to them as best we can.

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People Describe Their 'The One That Got Away' Experiences
Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay

There is always that "one." There is always going to be that person.

That person who you will always remember. And when they are the one who you regret losing most... they are the ghost that will haunt you forever.

I have a few escapees. I'll never know how it would've turned out. But that is part of why I'm haunted. I need to discuss....

Redditor u/AssistantNo1733 wanted to discuss all the times we've lost in love by asking:

Who's the one who got away?
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Doctoral Candidates Who Couldn't Defend Their Thesis Explain Just What Happened
Image by khamkhor from Pixabay

Defending your thesis is no joke. I've had friends crack up while preparing. It plays out like an episode of "Defend Your Life." In many cases you are defending your life. Your thesis is more than words on a page, it's a fundamental belief that you've been working towards for years. Everything learned and gained has had a part to play in the birth of that brief. So it can be gut wrenching and life altering when you find yourself at a loss in it's moment of reckoning.

Redditor u/dexMiloyev wanted to know about the times as a student when many of us were left.... stumped by asking.... Doctoral candidates who couldn't defend their thesis, what happened?
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