lost faith

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Religion isn't for everybody.

That may seem like a controversial statement, but it's just fact.

And that is ok. They have that choice.

People lose faith.

Hence the birth of the atheist.

It's always fascinating to learn about when someone chose to change beliefs.

So let's discuss it.

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People Explain What Made Them Lose All Faith In Humanity
Matt Collamer/Unsplash

In this day and age, there's a lot to be upset about. Humanity seems to be fast tracked into doomsday given the pandemic, climate crisis, social and economic injustices, and wars waged across the globe.

Sometimes, even with all that is around us, we are given first hand reasons to lose faith in humanity. Without hesitation, people will show their true colors.

The Scientific American journal says we are in an empathy deficit in the U.S. They recommend that we remind ourselves how everyone is at the end of their ropes these days, which can bring out the worst in us.

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We're all familiar with the feeling of losing faith in humanity. It's that feeling that makes you facepalm at your desk when you read the latest nonsense in your newsfeed.

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