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People Describe The Absolute Worst Year Of Their Lives

Reddit user beesechugersports asked: 'What was the worst year of your life?'

woman lying on bed
Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Ideally life is a rollercoaster of highs and lows.

Constant highs set up an unrealistic expectation of the world that can come crashing down hard over the smallest setbacks.

Constant lows are just plain cruel.

A mix helps develop coping skills and problem solving while not crushing the spirit.

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The Things People Like Less And Less As They've Gotten Older
Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

When we have our first sip of tea or coffee as a child, we discover that we like it a bit better with a lump of sugar, or two, or three.

As the years pass, we slowly find ourselves putting one less lump of sugar in our hot beverages until we eventually don't use any at all.

While most of our interests, hobbies, and favorite foods will remain with us until our dying days, we might find ourselves losing some, if not all, of our interest in other things the older we get.

Not to mention, finding our hatred of certain things grows even stronger.

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Things People Like Less And Less With Age
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Day by day.

Moment by moment... we march closer to our final days on earth.

It's the natural cycle of life.

Age comes with a lot of life price tags.

We gain wisdom but we lose years.

It's all a give and take.

And as much as it's great to be alive.

Loss still sucks.

That makes the side effects of age, worrisome at best.

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We all like to think about what we'd do if we had the opportunity to see people that we love again. Loss changes you.

What would you do if you could get back those days? What would you do if you had even less time than that and had to make the most of it?

The prospect of life after death–and especially cheating death–continues to remain a topic of intense human fascination. Perhaps death has never made sense to us. So what would we do if we had the opportunity to spend time with people we've loved and lost, even if only for a little while?

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor Some_Stacy5625 asked the online community,

"You can revive one person, but they can only live for 24 hours, who are you picking and what are you doing?"
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People Break Down The Worst Feelings Of All-Time
Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

We all have different pain tolerances. One individual's joy is another's joint and back pain. Depends on the threshold, and what we're willing to accept and put up with. Once that level is hit, it becomes a hell you can't escape from.

And the worst part? That pain might come and go, a wave ebbing against you, pushing you.

Some solace you can take is you're not alone in feeling pain.

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.

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