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IT workers
Christina @

Few people earn a living doing what they love.

That's why those in the workforce call showing up for work "the grind"–which implies labor-intensive tasks for long periods of time.

However, there are situations in which employees love their jobs and don't even call their labor of love "work."

They just happen to earn money doing what they love. Who are these people? Where are these jobs?

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Guys Break Down Which Things Most Men Can Agree On

Humans rarely agree on anything anymore.

So it's refreshing when an agreement is reached among peers.

Even if it's usually about simple or dumb stuff.

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People Share The Most Important Lessons They've Learned From The Pandemic

No one can deny that the first year or so of the global pandemic was a difficult time for everyone.

In addition to the fact that people had to remain home, and limit all communication with friends and family through phone and video chat, people had to adjust to working or studying from home, and be on their guard when out and about in public.

But now, just over two years later and as things seem to be easing back to normal, one can now look back on these difficult years and realize the many lessons we as a society have learned.

Some might fill our hearts with hope and optimism and others which might infuriate us for the rest of our lives.

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It's amazing how one change to your lifestyle can improve your daily life.

Be it starting your day with yoga, eliminating foods that don't agree with you, or simply seeing your friends more often, something we're all eager to do after months of quarantine, it's amazing how one little change can make waking up and getting through your day more bearable.

Perhaps the only frustration that comes with this change, is that you only wished you'd started doing it sooner.

Redditor kxrllkxrll was curious to hear what hobbies, rituals or lifestyle choices people wished they'd gotten a head start on, leading them to ask:

"What improved your life so much, you wished you did sooner?"
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Prison is no place you want to be.

It's a hard, cold, dangerous environment.

Many people try to make the best of it.

What else can you do?

One would be surprised what useful tidbits follow one past the bars.

Redditor youknowyoulick wanted to hear from those that have done a little time by asking about how free life and jail life can be useful to one another. They asked:

"People who have been in jail, what habits do you still do today that you learned from being in lockup?"
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