living alone

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Two beds in bedroom
Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash

There are some things that people get really opinionated about in other people's lives, from how they parent to how they spend their money.

But a big one is how they exist in their relationships, especially if their romantic relationship looks different than the average.

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People Break Down Their 'Pro Tips' For Living Alone
Juan Ordonez on Unsplash

I don't miss roommates—living alone was one of the best moves I've ever made. It wasn't easy but I made it work.

And I had a lot to learn!

When you don't live on your own, you aren't entirely responsible for the upkeep of your place. You share the responsibility of, let's say, cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen.

When you live alone, that's all on you. And it can get away from you very easily. I quickly learned how annoying it was to clean my apartment (and it's a studio!) when I didn't stay on top of basic maintenance.

Nowadays? It's spotless and everything has its place.

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