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Belle and Princess Elena face characters at Disney World
Brian McGowan/Unsplash

It's fun to imagine what happens when worlds collide with the mixing of entertainment genres.

As an example of this, American author Seth Grahame-Smith comes to mind.

He brilliantly wove together two completely contrasting literary worlds together with his novels Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter–both of which were adapted for the big screen.

So what would happen if Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games trilogy was replaced by a completely different type of heroine?

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People Explain Which Villain They Just Can't Bring Themselves To Hate

There is nothing better than a great villain.

They are what makes a great story.

What would be the point of Batman without The Joker or Catwoman?

Who is Luke without Vader?

As an actor, I've always had the best time being the villain.

They're just more in tune with life. Even when they're bats**t crazy.

That's why we never forget them.

Redditor Rito_Harem_King wanted to discuss the bad "guys" we just can't shake.

So they asked...

"What villain can you just not hate?"
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People Share The Best Real Life Examples Of The Villain Defeating The Good Guy
Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In literature, the protagonist always coming out on top is almost a guarantee.

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People Share Which Fictional Character's Death They Can't Get Over
Michael Marais on Unsplash

I swear there are some fictional deaths I've sobbed over more than ones in real life.

And I know I'm not alone in that.

I'm an avid soap opera fan and there are deaths that have left me bereft and triggered.

There is just something about the connection we make to great characters and stories that leave an impression for life.

We're finding these characters in the greatest and worst moments of their lives and we bond.

It's intimate, we see ourselves in them.

So when they die, it becomes a wound that never heals. Because it's a story we can't change.

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People Describe The Most F**ked Up Piece Of Literature They've Ever Read
Matias North on Unsplash

Books that demand full attention from the reader is a testament to the imagery an author provides.

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