life hacks

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People Break Down The Cooking Hacks They Swear By

Reddit user Penya23 asked: 'What are some cooking hacks you swear by?'

Adults, who told you that you were going to have to come up with something to eat, three times per day, every day, for the rest of your life?

That fact feels like a false advertisement for life sometimes, but there are ways of making what can be a tough requirement go much smoother than what some of us may be currently putting up with.

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Person cleaning their home
Photo by Anton on Unsplash

As humans, it's impossible for us to know everything, including the most efficient ways to do things.

But while we may know that, it's still frustrating when we discover there may have been an easier way to do something all along.

Even on TikTok, one of the top trends features users who discover a simpler, more efficient way to do something in their thirties or forties, before they robustly claim that they "learn more on TikTok than they ever did in school."

Fortunately for those who may not use the app, Redditors were ready to share their favorite finds in the thread.

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When most people think of going through a life-changing event, they think of near-death experiences or a tremendous psychological revelation.

But some people have experienced other events they found not only to be life-altering but which they believe everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.

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Bad Life Hacks And Terrible Advice That Is Also Quite Dangerous
Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

A lot of people think they know everything.

Not just know everything... they think they're experts on everything.

So they always have the best "advice" to give.

A lot of it is nonsense.

Listen to your gut more when something seems suspect.

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People Break Down The Best Life Hacks They Know
Humberto Areliano/Unsplash

Leave your guacamole at room temperature for a while before (IF) you refrigerate it. It'll be so much more flavorful, fam. You have no idea.

Guacamole game ON 100.

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