life hacks

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First aid kit and stethoscope
Photo by Kristine Wook on Unsplash

Life hacks that make adulting easier and more fun are constantly trending on social media, but these hacks do not typically focus on safety.

The irony is that, while knowing how to organize our cabinets more efficiently is great, it will not save someone's life.

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People Who Grew Up In The Country Share Things Every City Kid Should Know
Frances Gunn on Unsplash

Among Aesop's fables is a tale called The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. In the story, both mice find their lives suit them, but not each other.

Indeed there is a difference between urban life and rural life even in the modern world.

Those folks that grew up country would have some wisdom to share with any city kin and vice versa.

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Alright y'all, buckle up--it's time for a NSFW post. Kinda. But like, it's a useful NSFW post, so that means we won't get censored, right? Right?!

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People Share Their Best Side Hustles To Make Some Extra Money
Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Unfortunately, money is a necessary evil in the society in which we currently occupy. A person cannot expect to function without much money. Also unfortunately, sometimes our primary jobs are not enough to make a buck off of. We need to take up a little extra work to make ends meet. But are you stumped in that search?

Here are some ideas.

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People Share Life Hacks They Wish They'd Learned Earlier In Life
Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay

Don't you hate it when you discover that the burger for dinner you picked up at the drive-thru was tepid and unpalatable by the time you got home?

So much for fast food.

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