life hack

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Inexpensive Purchases That Greatly Improved People's Lives

Reddit user degenerateunicorn asked: 'What inexpensive purchase improved your life greatly?'

Guy holding shopping bags
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

As a society, we have made this general correlation that spending more means receiving a higher-quality item.

But sometimes we need to remember that affordable purchases are totally worth our time, and sometimes those purchases prove to be the true game-changers.

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person dripping essential oil into their hand
Christin Hume on Unsplash

There is always a better way to do something.

Some may call that option lazy, others may say it's genius.

Think about it this way... the computer keyboard has tons of "hacks" which were engineered to save time.

The more time one saves, the more life to be lived.

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People often think that buying expensive gadgets will help improve their lives. Sometimes, though, the most helpful things are pretty cheap.

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People Share The Best Tips And Tricks They Use To Get A Good Night's Sleep
Ashley Byrd/Unsplash

Sleep is one of the most difficult things to get these days.

About 70 million Americans have a sleep disorder. The most common ones being insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy.

Whether you have a hard time falling asleep from stress, travel, illness, or something else, there are a few things you can do to improve your situation. That could mean improving your sleep hygiene, revising your daytime habits and learning to relax.

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People Explain Which Things They Do 'The Wrong Way' On Purpose
Image by Ale Hidalgo from Pixabay

Are you the type of person who breaks their pasta in half before putting it to boil? I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you are a monster. Don't hurt the noodles like that.

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