life changing events

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Life is complicated, but there are so many things that are worth being thankful for, even in the day-to-day.

But of course, there are some things that we would love to see in our lifetimes that would make living that much sweeter.

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One of the most freeing realizations I've had was when I understood that not everyone was going to like me.

That's just the way it is for all of us, and I learned that it would be unfair for me to dedicate so much time worrying about what others might think.

It changed my life––improved it, I'd say. That, combined with my willingness to take responsibility for my own actions, was crucial to my self-development.

But some people, believe it or not, learn this too late.

People shared their observations after Redditor Vicsilvia asked the online community,

"What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?"
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People Explain What Major Life Event Completely Changed Their Perspective
Photo by Victor He on Unsplash

One of the most freeing realizations I've had was when I understood that not everyone was going to like me.

That's just the way it is for all of us, and I learned that it would be unfair for me to dedicate so much time worrying about what others might think.

It changed my life—improved it, I'd say.

That, combined with my willingness to take responsibility for my own actions, was crucial to my self-development.

Whether it's an epiphany or experience, there are many things that can happen and can successfully shift your perspective.

People shared their stories after Redditor drewyourstory asked the online community:

"What life event or experience changed your perspective?"
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