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Reaching 50 is a life goal.

Getting to that milestone is something we should all aim for.

So many years, so much life lived.

Which means there is so much story to tell.

Who can't help but look back and advise about how to do it better?

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People Describe What They Were Grossly Underprepared For As An Adult

When we move into our first apartment, get our first job, and begin living independently for the first time, it's equal parts intimidating and exciting.

There's always the realization that you are now an adult.

But there are very few early to mid-twenty-somethings who don't stop and have a moment where they question if they are, in fact, an adult.

Many responsibilities that come with being an adult will take us by surprise, as there was no college course to teach us how to deal with them or prepare ourselves for them.

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People Share The Most Important Lessons They've Learned From The Pandemic

No one can deny that the first year or so of the global pandemic was a difficult time for everyone.

In addition to the fact that people had to remain home, and limit all communication with friends and family through phone and video chat, people had to adjust to working or studying from home, and be on their guard when out and about in public.

But now, just over two years later and as things seem to be easing back to normal, one can now look back on these difficult years and realize the many lessons we as a society have learned.

Some might fill our hearts with hope and optimism and others which might infuriate us for the rest of our lives.

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People Explain What Living Through The Pandemic Has Taught Them
Photo by Noah on Unsplash

We are two and a half years into this pandemic madness.

Cases are rising and now we also have monkeypox.

What a time to be alive!

It has been a trying few years.

Hopefully when all is said and done we'll come through a little smarter, wiser and passionate about life.

Can we all look back and see what we learned?

Redditor hughjassjess wanted to share about all the lessons they took in surviving the Covid madness. They asked:

"What has living through a pandemic taught you?"
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People Confess What They Didn't Know About Sex Until They Lost Their Virginity
Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

The first time we all have sex is such a nerve wracking experience.

Everybody wants to be good. No... GREAT!

That probability is highly unlikely though.

There is so much to learn and navigate when it comes to sex.

Redditor Bobirrr wanted to talk about the birds and the bees and all the information that surprised us. They asked:

"What did you not know about sex until you lost your virginity?"
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