lessons learned

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While school was everyone's favorite activity growing up, something that inevitably made the experience worse was an indignant teacher.

Occasionally a student might have a question the teacher can't answer, or they might know something the teacher doesn't. While it would make sense for the teacher to be the life-long learner they urge their students to be, and to address the new information, sometimes the new information leads to disaster.

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Scrabble tiles that read "Live Life"
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Sometimes adulting is incredibly hard, especially when we're going through a trying time or are struggling with our health or mental health.

These pieces of advice may seem simple on the surface, but especially during the hard times, they could create a meaningful change for someone.

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Hindsight is 20/20. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was young and stupid in this days.

However people put it into words, we've all done things we regret. And regret comes in a variety of flavors.

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When you become a parent a certain amount of wisdom flows through you... well so they say, some people ignore the knowledge, good parents embrace it. Of course a lot of knowledge comes with age and life experience. The whole "been there, done that mantra is life gold." So we really need to listen harder and check ourselves when our parents sit us down for a chat. There is so much to learn and then more to share.

Redditor u/mjorcasiver wanted to know who learned from their parents wisdom that could help us all by asking....

What's a lesson you've learned from a parent that you wish others would know?

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