legit sounding nonsense

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People Share Legit Sounding Facts That Are Actually Nonsense

Seriously. It's True. People are saying so....

People Share Legit Sounding Facts That Are Actually Nonsense
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sometimes its in the delivery of the syntax. Or sometimes its just the words. When we hear certain old adages or news posts we tend to believe it. The truth of the matter is is that the truth is only told half of the time... if that! We have been sold so many falsehoods through life it is difficult to keep up sometimes. "I could've sworn that was true. It sounds like it." We need to have higher standards and get to fact checking.

Redditor u/JimTehHedgehog wanted to discuss facts about facts and fiction by asking what we've believed....

What fact sounds legit but is actually fake?

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