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Reaching 50 is a life goal.

Getting to that milestone is something we should all aim for.

So many years, so much life lived.

Which means there is so much story to tell.

Who can't help but look back and advise about how to do it better?

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Being horny can lead to some questionable decision-making.

Something happens to the brain when blood is flowing to other regions of the body.

They should discuss this in health class.

It's perfectly normal, but we have to learn how to deal.

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We can't be brilliant every second of every day.

Even the Mensa-level brains that walk among us have their off moments.

It is inescapable.

Sometimes IQ doesn't matter.

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A young guy is yawning
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Every new generation thinks they know best.

And every older generation thinks they've seen and done it all.

It's a neverending cycle.

So how do we make one generation listen to another?

And can the generation imparting important advice give it with ease and not arrogance?

Nobody wants to be disrespected.

Can we all start there?

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The Most Outrageous Things People Were Taught In 'Abstinence Only' Sex Ed Classes
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Let's talk about sex baby.

It's all the good things and the bad things that we think.

Such true words.

Teachers should play that song in Sex Ed.

That would be a great icebreaker and theme music.

Sex needs to be a freer conversation.

I have nothing against teaching abstinence, but it's just not realistic.

It's not the only option.

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