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I've never dated someone older.

Just hasn't happened.

I'm not averse to it, but I'd feel more comfortable with someone closer in age.

I hear there are a ton of benefits, though.

Learning. Growing. Sharing.

It can be comforting to be with someone who has navigated life in certain ways already.

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History is littered with events that sound like lies or fables but in actuality are facts.

The improbable may sound made up by some really strange things have happened!

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Two middle aged people riding bikes
Photo by KBO Bike on Unsplash

We will be our parents one day.

All we can hope is maybe we'll be an upgraded version.

There is always that one moment when you realize though.

Maybe it's sensing rain coming in your knees.

Or perhaps it's scolding your own children for the first time.

No matter the moment, it's likely to happen.

As life slips by...

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Basic Knowledge An Alarming Number Of People Don’t Know
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

We take knowledge for granted.

And for too long we've assumed everyone knows the basics.

Never assume.

Knowledge can be lacking.

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They leave out so many juicy tidbits when teaching history.

Even when we get into college years, there is still a ton you don't hear about until you're a senior citizen.

There should be a "History: XXX" class.

I had to suffer through World Civ. Geesh.

A little extra naughty goes a long way in education.

So tells us some sassy secrets.

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