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It can be shocking, almost repulsive, to look through history books and read the things which were actually laws at one point in time.

These include bizarre ones, like a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour due to an oil shortage, as well as historically inhumane laws, such as segregation and slavery.

Thankfully, many of these horrifying and/or bizarre laws have been repealed.

But if one were to look closely at laws around the world, there are still a number of ludicrous and terrifying laws which remain in effect.

That many people might even, rather ironically, think should be illegal.

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People Explain Which Things You Should Never Do In The U.S.

When visiting any foreign country, one should always be familiar with the laws and customs of the land.

After all, what might be generally accepted on your home turf, might be frowned upon, if not illegal, elsewhere.

For that matter, even locals might need a refresher course on what they can and can't do while at home.

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Did you know that it's illegal to hold salmon under suspicious circumstances? That's per Section 32 of the Salmon Act 1986, meaning salmon are safe from your sick ideas in England and Wales.

It's a little less weird though once you dip into the legalese. Specifically, the law penalizes any person "who receives or disposes of any salmon in circumstances where they believe or could reasonably believe that the salmon has been illegally fished."

The punishment? Two years in prison. You better respect all the salmon you see, okay?

People told us all about other weird laws that are on the books after Redditor Professional_Watch87 asked the online community,

"What’s the weirdest law in you’re country or one you lived in?"
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People Who Oppose Changing American Gun Laws Share Their Reasoning

"Thoughts and prayers." Those are the two main things doled out immediately in the wake of a mass shooting in the United States.

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Roughly 80 million tourists visit the United States annually.

Not a surprise, considering all there is to see.

And, generally speaking, America is a safe and welcoming place to live, where tourists will hopefully be welcomed with open arms, be it in San Francisco or New York City.

But, as is the case with anywhere, there are a few things which visitors to the United States might want to avoid doing.

Be it for their own personal safety, or just so they don't stand out too much as a tourist.

Redditor, sarra-sagesse was curious to hear everyone's the tips and pointers on what to avoid while visiting the United States, leading them to ask:

"If visiting America what is something that person should NEVER do?"
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