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People Break Down The Dumbest Thing Someone's Ever Made Fun Of Them About

"Reddit user lionprincesslioness asked: 'What is the dumbest thing somebody has made fun of you for?'"

Black and white photo of a girl with a kick me sign, littered with expletives taped to her back
Photo by Ilayza

Kids can be cruel.

We tend to be taught way too late just how much gravity words carry.

And kids who taunt others turn into adults who taunt others or become vicious adult bullies.

Making fun of someone is never okay.

But some insults make little to no sense.

Some people will come up with ammunition to throw at others that is so off the wall that you have to laugh before you cry.

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I'm not perfect with words.

But I do love them.

That's why I get frustrated when people destroy them.

All it takes is one letter to ruin everything.

If I find I'm pronouncing something wrong, I look up the correct way.

Why can't everyone else do that as well?

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People Confess Which Accents They Find The Least Attractive
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

I love accents.

As an actor, I live to utilize them.

In life, I love to hear them.

Maybe because I feel like an American accent is just too ordinary.

I never even thought Americans had one until I traveled abroad and people said they liked mine.

Accents seem to give off excitement and sex appeal.

But apparently there are some who could do without the emphasis.

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People Confess Which Historical Quotes Give Them The Chills
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

History is littered with horror and fright.

And much of it is journaled and cataloged for our reading pleasure.

Which sometimes is reading that can leave one a bit on edge.

That's because some of our best long-dead wordsmiths left some serious echoes.

Now we all do love a good speech.

We're especially entranced when the speaker has that certain... "thing."

But once and awhile when you listen and really dig deep, they are less inspirational and more morbid

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People Share Their Favorite Curse Word Alternatives
Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

People have different levels of tolerance when it comes to profanity.

And some people can't stand the sound of rude or vulgar language so much that they can't bring themselves to say these naughty words themselves.

But when anyone reaches a high level of anger or frustration, they still might need a verbal outlet.

And instead find themselves coming up with an alternative word, which helps them release their anger, but won't offend any nearby ears.

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