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The Kindest Things People Have Ever Overheard About Themselves
Tyler Nix/Unsplash

There are plenty of backstabbers and those who are purported "friends" throwing you under the bus to save their reputation.

Who knows what else is being said about you behind your back? Is that paranoia? Perhaps.

When we're feeling insecure, we tend to assume the worst about the people we include in our circle. Maybe it's time to stop that.

Because as it turns out, for the most part, people are kinder than we give them credit for, and not everything being discussed about you behind your back are always bad.

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People Describe The Most Memorable Acts Of Kindness Someone's Ever Done For Them
Mei-Ling Mirow/Unsplash

When you're having a bad day, sometimes it's the littlest things that can give you a small boost.

Whether it's someone holding the door open for you or another giving up their seat for you on the train, it's no skin off their teeth.

But the tiny gestures of goodwill can mean the world to you at that moment when you need it the most.

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