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A young man pulls a scarf over his head, hiding one eye
Photo by Ali Tareq on Unsplash

Sometimes attraction makes no sense.

But who hasn't been dumbfounded by the things that give others the tingle?

I have a friend, who finds men who yarn as a hobby... IRRESISTIBLE.

It's a strange thing to get hot and bothered over, but who am I to judge.

It seems like anything big or small can be a trigger, in the right places.

There is no rhyme or reason.

Just nature doing its thing.

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It's always nice to receive a compliment, no matter who it's from.

Though many men feel especially warm inside when they are complimented by a woman.

Maybe they finally caught the attention of a woman they've been pining after for ages or are simply reminded by their long-term partner that they are loved.

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Nice People Explain Why They Choose To Be Kind
Elissa Garcia on Unsplash

We are a complicated species. Human beings have the extraordinary ability of critical thinking and making decisions based on their thoughts or emotions.

And because everyone's predilections vary from person to person, every individual behaves accordingly.

But there are fundamental sides to people that distinguish them from one type of person to another. In the most basic terms, there are good and bad people.

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People Break Down Which Things Make Someone Instantly Likable

What makes someone likable? A smile, the way they speak, how they treat others? What is the quality you notice first? The thing that stands out the most when meeting a new person for me isn't simply if they have good qualities but how natural it seems to be for them.

If they had to pause and think about it to make a big gesture out of doing something nice they probably aren't like that in their downtime. The people who volunteer and do good deeds without posting about it, telling everyone about it, and just go on like that's a normal part of this day--those are my people.

Recognition is great but the people who do good deeds in private, those people typically have good hearts.

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The social media influencing medium has grown exponentially over the past decade. What was once looked upon as a joke for ridicule is now a booming billion-dollar industry. (Now who's laughing?) One thing it proves for certain is that literally anyone can be famous, for absolutely nothing.

Although, to be fair, even content has grown and many of these "influencers" have turned small talent into fortune. In this new form of celebrity you can't help but wonder, as with most celebs, who these individuals are when they turn the camera off. If they turn the camera off, even just for a moment.

Redditor u/superfuncity wanted to hear about the people who have the inside track on the social media "stars" of today by asking...
IRL friends of social media "influencers": what is it like?
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