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People Who Fight Against Human Trafficking Share Tips To Spot Illegal Activity
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Unfortunately, it's no secret that people are becoming the victims of human trafficking all around us.

Every country, city, town, and region can be the site of abduction, where a vulnerable person is groomed to be free labor or the victim of predatory sex

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People Who Have Almost Been Kidnapped Reveal What Happened

One of life's most terrifying experiences....

Being kidnapped has truly got to be one of everyone's greatest fears. We see it in movies and real life situations on television and it's amazing how people will find ways to escape and survive. It takes a mental toll like no other. All the moments spent wondering if you're going to live? It's too much to think about. Don't talk to strangers.

Redditor u/Raevin_ wanted to hear from the survivors of kidnappings by asking them to divulge.... People who have been kidnapped, what happened and how did you escape?

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