junk food

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Hot dog with ketchup and mustard
Photo by Peter Secan on Unsplash

There's a reason they call it junk food.

Being high in calories and saturated fats, and likely made with ingredients of fairly low quality, eating these foods is almost the equivalent of filling your stomach with junk.

However bad for you it is, however, that doesn't mean it isn't delicious.

Indeed, who hasn't from time to time indulged in food that we know won't be beneficial to our weight or cholesterol, but pleases our taste buds to the max?

Often resulting in judgmental glares from others.

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Don't you just want the relief of eating your favorite food without guilt?

Unfortunately it's a pretty well known dichotomy in life that food that is delicious is also incredibly unhealthy. Like, yes, I do want onion rings for the tenth day in a row, but I should probably take a break.

Though...sometimes our favorite foods surprise us.

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You never forget the worst things you've tasted.

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