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Two hands set up a makeshift slingshot
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

For years people have watched prank shows on TV.

Some shows called them bloopers or practical jokes.

But as time has gone on and people's imagination has gone insane thanks to oneupmanship on TikTok, jokes and pranks have gotten out of control.

Does no one consider the danger in these situations?

You never know how someone will react.

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People Break Down The Worst April Fools Pranks They've Ever Witnessed
Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash

There's a classic horror comedy called April Fool's Day about, you guessed it, everyone's favorite holiday. (Not.) The film follows a group of friends who spend a weekend on an island mansion only to be picked off one by one. It's a longer story, but it turns out that the party's entrepreneurial hostess led them to the island for some "staged horror."

I have to say... I'd be so pissed if that were me. Dangerous or mean-spirited pranks do nothing for me.

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A biologist, an engineer, and a mathematician observe an empty building...

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What kind of person would have the nerve to interrupt a wedding in real life?

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People Share Their Favorite 'Adult' Jokes In Disney Films

Disney isn't always so squeaky clean with their content. Just ask any child of the eighties about that suspicious phallic symbol on 'The Little Mermaid' poster. Legend has it, Disney always like to be a little sly by throwing in some adult content for the over seventeen crowd to find. It's like a treasure hunt for witty smut. As long as the kids don't get it until much later, enjoy the fun.

Redditor u/Mogulzns wanted to know what dastardly things to look for next time we watch Disney material by asking.... We all know that Disney loves putting "adult" jokes in their animated movies. Which one is your favorite?

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