job interview

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Most of us have had a few jobs in our lives, and we've learned to be on our best behavior during the job interview.

But sometimes even when we're doing our best, we might make a mistake, like blanking on the answer to a question or spilling coffee on our pants.

There are other people out there, however, with far stranger stories.

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Job interviews can be nerve-wracking. You might go into one wondering what to say, what to ask. You might be acutely aware of your heart pounding in your chest.

But then you manage to ace the interview and get the job.

But what about the people who seem to have no conception of what a job interview entails?

These are the people who ask the wildest questions, as we were so kindly reminded by Redditor Butchbunny, who asked the online community,

"Interviewers: what's the worst question someone has asked at the end of a job interview?"
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HR Recruiters Break Down The Biggest Red Flags They've Ever Seen On A Resume
Image by Parveender Lamba from Pixabay

You want a job? You desperately need said job? Then why is it difficult to pay attention when crafting your resume? It's literally you're calling card!

I know there are better ways to make a resume than others, some people actually assist job searchers with resumes as their job, but a basic, run of the resume will suffice when getting started.

All you have to do is not be ridiculous. Don't get crazy. Just give them the basic information and make sure your grammar is correct. It's called spell check.

HR recruiters have a ton of tips for us, so listen up.

Redditor u/scottlottle wanted to help us see the signs clearly, by asking:

HR recruiters, what is considered a huge red flag on someone's resume?
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People Share Their Job Interview Horror Stories
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

We all know the job interview butterflies.

We sit outside the office or wait for the phone call and our foot taps at rapid speed. We run through some rehearsed answers, but worry that they'll ask a slew of things we never even considered. We try not to sweat too much.

Often, it turns out alright. We may not get the job, but we're respectable, give solid answers, and learn a lot about the place we're trying to get hired.

Other times, however, all of our far-fetched worries seem to come to life.

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Times are tough and that makes the job hunt even more of a "Hunger Games" situation. I understand needing to do everything you can to be the best you can be, so that you can be sure to rise above the rest, but let's not get carried away people. When constructing a resume there are literally thousands of online tutorials to choose from. Please seek them out. Rule #1... more is always too much.

Redditor u/Shimanu wanted everyone to listen to what is not useful on a job hunt by asking... HR personnel of Reddit, what's the most unnecessary thing you've seen in a resume?
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