job interview

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Job Interview Red Flags That Signal A Toxic Workplace
Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

One of my least favorite parts of job hunting is the interview. It’s nerve wracking to try and guess what the best way to present yourself would be, and I find out doubly nerve wracking because I’m so shy. However, it is an integral part of process, and not just for the employers.

While the point of an interview is for the employers to get to know potential hires and make sure they know what they’re talking about and would be a good addition to the company, potential hires can use the interview to their benefit as well.

You get to find out more about the company, the people you will be working for, and the work environment. You’ll know if the company is going to give you what you want, and if the workplace is pleasant or toxic.

Redditors know this all too well, and are sharing their stories about what red flags during interviews clued them into the fact that the workplace is toxic.

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Job interviews are such a unique experience.

For a brief interval of time, we have to simultaneously try to impress someone with our qualifications, come off as casually pleasant, demonstrate passion for the role in question, and, somehow, be ourselves throughout that whole charade.

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People Share The Best Questions To Ask At The End Of A Job Interview
LaylaBird via Getty Images

After wading through the onslaught, convincing that your personal and professional elements make you worth thousands of dollars per year, days off, and a healthcare package, the tables turn.

But when given the chance to ask a question of their own during a job interview, many people don't seize the opportunity as well as they could.

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Hiring Managers Share The Most Inappropriate Outfits People Have Worn To Job Interviews
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

There are some pretty well-established social expectations about what is and isn't appropriate attire for a job interview.

There may be some gray areas and exceptions made for folks who can't afford business clothes—they're applying for jobs for a reason, after all—but many of the people below just decided to throw the whole idea of business attire right out the window.

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Hiring Managers Explain Which Outfit Mishaps Cost A Prospective Employee The Job
Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

Most of the time, dress codes are implemented for a reason.

Sure, there are unfair instances of "no exposed shoulders in school" or "no open-toed sandals at the office."

However, there are certain types of clothing that are appropriate for office wear. And even at an office that doesn't have an official dress code, you have to dress appropriately for the first interview, so you can leave a good impression.

When people don't follow this rule of thumb, they often end up disqualifying themselves for the job.

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