jimmy kimmel

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Jimmy Kimmel Tried To Get Young People To Read Analog Clocks—And The Results Were Disastrous
Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

If you were born between 1985 and today, there is a good chance you never learned how to read an analog clock. (You know, the round thing with hands?)

It used to be taught in schools, but these days, schools have bigger fish to fry, and analog clocks are slowly becoming a thing of the past.

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Like family dinners during Thanksgiving or fireworks on the Fourth of July, Jimmy Kimmel's annual Halloween prank video has become a tradition that people can look forward to the year round. This year, Kimmel asked parents once again to tell their children that they ate all their Halloween candy while filming their children's reactions. As always, the reactions, which range from screams to eerily calm words of disappointment, were priceless.

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