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People Break Down How They'd React If They Couldn't Have Sex Anymore Due To Physical Or Mental Issues
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Sex isn't everything.

But it can be something many of us take for granted.

But when it's gone... you notice.

Some move on, and some grieve.

And for many Redditors, this situation wasn't a hypotherical.

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People Share The Changes They Made That Really Improved Their Mental Health
Lidya Nada on Unsplash

We are in a better place than we've ever been when it comes to discussing mental health.

We still have a VERY long way to go.

Besides therapy and drugs, there are simple, daily things we can all do to try to brighten our days.

Life is dark, be we have to try let in some positivity.

If for no other reason than not being trapped in sadness.

What are some of the happiness tricks of the trade we all need to know?

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People Break Down The Biggest Societal Pressures Men Face
Photo by Alex Vámos on Unsplash

The problem with men is that they never seem to want to discuss their issues.

We're emerging from generations of society and culture that have indoctrinated men to believe that sharing vulnerability and problems were a weakness.

And it's time to talk about it.

Speak up guys, we're listening.

Redditor Tabocuspokus wanted to hear from the boys about life's issues, so they asked:

"What are problems in modern society, that put social pressure on boys and men? And what can women do about it?"
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People Debate Which Issue Concerns Them The Most In Today's Society
Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The past year has dealt all of humanity a crushing blow, and we are still dealing with the aftermath.

There are over 270 million cases of people infected with COVID-19 and five million people have succumbed to COVID-related illnesses, globally.
Many of us are trying to leave the pandemic behind us while new variants of the viral pathogen continue to emerge.
Simultaneously, our nation has become politically divided more than ever as we try to navigate through a global event from which we are not yet in the clear.
It is a tumultuous era, and there seem to be more issues many of us remain in denial of as other concerns have taken front and center in our lives.
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One second. One moment. One decision.

They can change... everything.

Change happens with and without notice. Life happens instantly, so we have to learn to keep up.

These are all lessons we learn too late. We need more wisdom when we're younger.

We can make our lives better from the smallest decisions without knowing. But, let's start knowing.

Life will be the better for it.

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