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The Worst Parts About Being Left-Handed
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Roughly 12 percent of the world's population is left handed.

Studies have shown that being in this distinct minority comes with a number of advantages.

Indeed, four the last seven Presidents of the United States were all left-handed,

And considering Phil Mickelson, Rafael Nadal and Oscar De La Hoya are all left-handed as well, it seems lefties are at an advantage on the field or in the court or arena.

Though, if you were to speak to a left-handed person about their experience, they'll more than likely bemoan all the disadvantages of being a lefty.

Of which, there are admittedly several.

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People Reveal Which Small Things Piss Them Off More Than Usual

There are some things that are pretty much universally irritating: self important people, someone cutting you off in traffic, or those scam robocalls, for example.

Sometimes things that seem like they are only mildly irritating or inconvenient for others drive us up the wall, though.

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'Parking Sideways Across Two Spots' And Other People Who Are The Worst

Everybody does things that annoy others, but some behaviors are universally irritating.

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