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Android cellphone and mascot
Denny Müller on Unsplash

The eternal battles of brand rivalry.

Macbook vs PC.

Coke vs Pepsi.

It's all about preference.

But when it comes to phones... the LOYALTY is real!

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People Break Down The Most Underutilized Features On Their Phone

For most people, a cellphone has become almost like an extra appendage.

It goes with us everywhere and is rarely out of reach.

And most people are also now sporting so-called smartphones.

But how many of the features on these handheld computers are we using?

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Scientists Put A Smartphone In A Blender To Show Us Exactly What Goes Into Our Precious Devices
@PlymUni, @GSwazy_/Twitter

Most of us shudder at the thought of harm coming to the $1,000 glass bricks on which we store our lives, but a curious group of scientists at the University of Plymouth decided to reduce a smartphone to dust just to find out what was inside. And they are hoping people will start to pay attention to what they found.

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