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Inventors Killed By Their Own Inventions

"Reddit user TopDoggo16 asked: 'What are some examples of an inventor getting killed by their own invention?'"

Isn't it Ironic, don't you think?

A little too Ironic.

Oh, Alanis was really onto something.

Too many of us get unintentionally burned by our own actions.

Our words, our thoughts, our inactions can come round back and give us a big bite on the hiney.

That's why lawyers tell famous people or politicians indicted for crimes not to speak in interviews.

Your words can burn you.

And what about inventors and creators?

Can you imagine being killed by your own project?

That's like being run over by your own car after you put it in PARK, but really it was REVERSE.

Or a house that you built collapsing on you.

It's a lot worse than rain on your wedding day...

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The 2016 film Hidden Figures was notable for bringing international attention to Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn, and Mary Jackson, three remarkable mathematicians who were integral to the early successes of NASA space launches.

The title carried a double meaning, as it referred not only to a mathematical term but also to the fact that these remarkable women's contributions to NASA had been grossly overlooked for far too long.

As their accomplishments were overshadowed by those of their white male colleagues.

Indeed, Johnson, Vaughn, and Jackson are far from the only women who made momentous contributions to society but still don't get the recognition they deserve.

Despite the considerable efforts of journalists and historians to earn them their rightful place in the spotlight.

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After a decade of the hit show "Shark Tank" you'd think that there would be nothing left to invent. How could there possibly be anything we haven't realized we're missing? We're already the laziest generation of record, what more could there be? Apparently there are a multitude of visions and ideas just waiting to materialize. So maybe we need to stop thinking and get on it. Science and innovation waits for no man.

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What should have been invented by now?
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