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People Who Had A Small Wedding Explain What They Regret Not Doing
Image by Olessya from Pixabay

I love weddings. I want a HUGE, extravagant experience! That is if the day should ever come. However, I do not believe in spending your life savings; but shedding some coin isn't a terrible thing.

In the end though there is nothing wrong in doing the ceremony small and intimate. Every penny saved from the ceremony can go toward a house, a college fund, old age. I've seen people drop half a million just to say "we had our wedding there!" In the end... there... wasn't all that special.

A wedding should be personal to the two most important people of the day. Big or small, who cares, just be happy.

Redditor u/the_original_Retro wanted to discuss the path to the chapel of love, in miniature, by asking:

People who got married without having a big wedding: when you look back, was it the better choice? Do either of you regret not doing something bigger for the day?
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