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People Share The Most Hurtful Things Anyone's Ever Said To Them

A Redditor asked: 'What's the most hurtful thing someone has ever said to you?'

Silhouette of a person looking towards the sunset
Chetan Menaria/Unsplash

Physical wounds heal but it's certain things people say with the intention of hurting your feelings that cut so deep.

Whether it's an insult or an unforgivable slur hurled by someone who can either be an acquaintance or a stranger, denigrating comments can have longlasting effects.

Even a family member or a significant other who knows you deeply can exploit your vulnerabilities or insecurities in the heat of the moment.

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People Confess The Most Soul-Crushing Thing Someone's Ever Said To Them
Tom Pumford on Unsplash

It's a fact of life that people can be brutal. Whether it's because a person is downright cruel or because he or she is drunk or angry, they can say some awful things.

My Indian aunt once mistakenly thought a cousin of mine was my daughter and told me American teenagers were trashy and stupid. I don't talk to that aunt anymore...

There is never an excuse to be that cruel, but that doesn't stop people from behaving that way.

Curious about this, Redditor Brilliant-End9428 asked:

"What is the most f*cked up thing someone said to you?"
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People Share Something That's A Compliment And An Insult At The Same Time
Jessica Da Rosa on Unsplash

Have you ever gotten a compliment that makes you wonder if it's really complimentary?

Like, is it really an insult disguised as a compliment?

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In my family we have a standing rule that if it makes you laugh and it's nothing "major" - you can't get in trouble for it. In reality, we're all pretty laid back so getting in trouble is pretty rare anyway, but the rule has lead to a lifetime of playfully roasting one another in an attempt to get the other person to laugh.

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People Share Their Favorite Insults That Don't Have A Single Curse Word
Steve Debenport/ Getty Images

It's hard having kids. Odds are if you have one, they're right next to you as you're reading this. You need to walk on egg shells, monitoring your every action, making sure you're the proper role model for them to look up to. Last thing you need is for them repeating what you say at home to their preschool class. Anyway, here's how you insult people without using any curse words!

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