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We've all found ourselves at a crossroads of some kind at one point in our life, which has resulted in our needing to make a hasty decision.

Without much time to think, we often feel the need to ignore logic, and simply go with our gut.

Generally speaking, these decisions aren't terribly consequential, even if we might come across some new information down the line which makes us feel better about our decision.

In some cases however, making a decision based purely on our instincts may have proven to be a life saving situation.

In spite of the fact that the life or death stakes were completely oblivious to us at the time.

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The Exact Moment People Who Knew A Murderer Sensed Something Was Off About Them
Javier Peñas/Unsplash

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

We tend to socially gravitate towards like-minded individuals.

Whether at a party or the first day of school, people can easily feed off of each other's vibes and make a connection.

While our intuition is sharp, nothing raises alarm quite as intensely as when we sense something is way off about a person.

Like, distressingly off.

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People Reveal How Their 'Something's Not Right' Gut Feeling Ended Up Saving Their Life
  • Human instincts have largely been dulled by our relatively safe and cushy existence (as compared to way back when we still had to worry about predators).

Sometimes, though, trusting a gut feeling can save us from a world of hurt.

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People Reveal When A Gut Feeling Saved Their Life

Whether you call it instinct, intuition, juju, gut feelings or whatever - most of us have a word for that feeling when you just know something.

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