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People really need to think about tattoos.

Yes, they're cool sometimes.

But how many do you really need?

Some can seriously spoil a romantic moment.

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toy Yoda
Samer Khodeir on Unsplash

Fictional characters always say the best things.

It's always perfect and spot on, but in real life we normally say things wrong and messy.

Maybe that's why so much great dialogue resonates...

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People Explain Which Quotes Absolutely Changed Their Outlook On Life
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

It's amazing how much power words can carry.

Sometimes, when you're feeling down, and having trouble getting motivated, all it takes is a few words of inspiration which can get you out of your funk.

Sometimes words can carry so much power, that they might even forever change the way you live your life.

Redditor KiT_KaT5 was curious to hear the quotes that changed people's outlook on life for the better, leading them to ask:

"What is a quote that changed your outlook on life?"
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We are a quote heavy, self-help speeching society.

We thirst for leadership because honestly... life is dark and depressing.

How many books, speeches, essays and small "on the daily" quotes do we follow and take to heart?

Do you research every author of every quote?

You should. Or maybe you shouldn't.

Redditorcow780wanted to hear some inspiration from the worst people possible. They asked:

"Reddit, what are some great quotes by terrible people?"
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People Explain Which Quotations Absolutely Changed Their Lives
Photo by capnsnap on Unsplash

Great writing changes lives.

Great snippets can stay with us forever.

And beyond the grave.

So many people put great quotes on tombstones.

Redditor downtownshibawanted to discuss the words of wisdom that have left a forever mark. They asked:

"What quote changed your life?"
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