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People Break Down How They'd React If They Couldn't Have Sex Anymore Due To Physical Or Mental Issues
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Sex isn't everything.

But it can be something many of us take for granted.

But when it's gone... you notice.

Some move on, and some grieve.

And for many Redditors, this situation wasn't a hypotherical.

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People Share Their Craziest 'But It's Only A Scratch' Experiences
Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

If you've never seen the comedy classic, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," there is a scene where Arthur, King of the Britons, encounters a black knight guarding a bridge.

Arthur quickly figures out the stalwart knight will not let him pass, so the two do battle, with the king severely injuring his enemy in the process.

He cuts off all his arms and legs.

Yet the black knight persists, insisting his injuries are, "but a scratch."

Turns out this happens to people in real life, not so much with swords and knights, but with can openers and ice skates.

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People Share The Story Of The Worst Pain They Ever Experienced
Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Pain, whether emotional or physical, is an unnecessary evil that everyone has to endure at some point—or repeatedly—in their lives.

Even those of us who claim to have high thresholds have our breaking point when the pain becomes too much to bear and leaves us doubled-over and hoping the excruciating discomfort eventually subsides.
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People Explain What Major Life Event Completely Changed Their Perspective
Photo by Victor He on Unsplash

One of the most freeing realizations I've had was when I understood that not everyone was going to like me.

That's just the way it is for all of us, and I learned that it would be unfair for me to dedicate so much time worrying about what others might think.

It changed my life—improved it, I'd say.

That, combined with my willingness to take responsibility for my own actions, was crucial to my self-development.

Whether it's an epiphany or experience, there are many things that can happen and can successfully shift your perspective.

People shared their stories after Redditor drewyourstory asked the online community:

"What life event or experience changed your perspective?"
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We really need to pay attention more as children. That's a hindsight lesson that we never truly get soon enough. We run too fast. We never look both ways and we always don't care. That's what being a kid is all about. And that is also why so much of our adolescence is spent in an ER.

Nine times out of ten all the injuries could be avoided with a little less stupidity. We're all guilty as silly sin, so let's chat.

Redditor u/Ital_Il_Grande wanted to discuss the ways we've gotten ourselves wounded in the past due to lack of "brain power," by asking:

What's the dumbest way you injured yourself as a kid?
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