inherently toxic things seen as normal

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People Break Down Which Inherently Toxic Things Are Perceived As Normal
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We should all be taught at a very young age when to spot and know when to eradicate toxic people and behaviors.

Seriously... who needs yet another useless semester of PE? This is a life lesson just as viable as Home Ec. Heck, it should be part of the Home Ec curriculum. Oh wait, do they still have Home Ec?

We've been gaslit to take abuse, it's engrained in our DNA and psyche. Somethings are not normal and it's imperative to know when to say no.

Redditoru/Tizerkanewanted to discuss the things and behaviors we've fooled ourselves into believing are proper in life by asking:

What's something inherently toxic that is perceived as normal?
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