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I'll gobble up pretty much anything.

But I do have my limits.

All people have culinary limitations.

Some menus, as fabulously touted as they are, just don't do it for everybody.

Everything popular is not everybody's cup of tea... or cake, for that matter.

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There are foods touted as the greatest, greenest elixir for health, and then the next thing you know, they cause cancer or love handles.

Sometimes it seems like you can't win.

We have a lot of unlearning to do when it comes to food.

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What exactly is in that recipe?

That is one of life's most important questions.

With allergies and tastes all over the map, best to always ask before you eat.

Everyone has strong thoughts on food.

There is a visceral hatred for certain combinations and ingredients.

Families have fallen out over serving sweet potato pie or pumpkin.

The kitchen can be a dangerous place.

So let's try for a civil conversation.

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A woman flips through a recipe book
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

We've gotten so adventurous with recipes.

That is great, but some things need not be consumed.

Not every ingredient is meant to be mixed!

At least that is the opinion of certain stomachs.

Some chefs need to calm down a bit.

Except for pineapple on pizza.

That is genius!

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The simple hamburger has come a long way.

Indeed, over time, people have begun to elevate it far beyond a simple ground beef patty with ketchup, maybe lettuce, tomato and onions.

From the special sauce at Shake Shack, to Daniel Boulud's $30 multi-tiered burger, the variations on the simple burger are far too many to mention.

And likely will only grow, as some people will believe that just about anything can work on a hamburger.

While some experiments haven't and likely won't pay off, other ingredients which one might immediately think have no place on a burger prove to be just the ticket.

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