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Favorite Cheap Meals To Save Money During Hard Times

"Reddit user FIeshEatingPineappIe asked: 'What cheap meals helped you save money through tough times?'"

Prices have gotten out of control on too many things. Did anyone ever think eggs would cost more than a college education?

Whenever people are in times of financial peril, the first thing we do is budget.

And what is number one on slimming the budget?


Well, after cable and entertainment.

How do we make a dollar last when it comes to the daily menu?

There are many ways and tricks of the trade.

College students are well-educated on this issue.

Long nights of study and months and months of Ramen can be the key to a successful college career.

There are the basics in budget cuisine, but people have gotten creative over time.

It doesn't have to be the end of our taste buds.

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I'll gobble up pretty much anything.

But I do have my limits.

All people have culinary limitations.

Some menus, as fabulously touted as they are, just don't do it for everybody.

Everything popular is not everybody's cup of tea... or cake, for that matter.

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Sandwiches are a pinnacle of food.

Who doesn't love a roll with meat?

Sandwiches are the reason why delis are so massively popular.

And the improvements on this simple menu staple have taken food in general to another level.

So what are the small changes and additions that make it all that much better?

Who has the secrets?

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I can't live without meat or fish in my diet.

I tried. It wasn't pretty.

But I respect those who have that strength.

But sometimes, that strength fades.

The smell of bacon can make anyone weak in the knees.

There are many reasons why people rejoin the carnivore party.

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Our stomachs don't agree with everything.

There are foods that make many of us sick... and not because of an allergy.

There is always going to be a meal that leaves a traumatic memory or three.

Not every ingredient is meant for everybody, afterall.

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