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The Funniest Ways People Thought Babies Were Made As A Kid

"Reddit user DramaticChoice4 asked: 'How did you use to think babies were made?'"

A couple lies in bed with a baby between them
Image by Stephanie Pratt

Where do babies come from?

One of life's greatest mysteries.

Or one of life's most solid truths.

But when we're young, we don't know all of the details.

But that doesn't mean there aren't questions.

Oh, the number of questions and curiosities.

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Adults Explain Which Things Every Teenager Should Know
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

We often look back on our teenage years with mixed emotions.

Our final years where we could enjoy our youth, and live largely without responsibility and just enjoy being a child and all that came with it.

Of course, we might also look back on things we did as teenagers which we are less than proud of today.

Or things we wish someone had told us, so that we may have avoided falling into those unhappy situations.

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A trial can hinge on one simple piece of information.

All it could take for a suspect to walk free or go to jail for the rest of their lives is one single fact.

With this in mind, some lawyers will do their best to make sure that this information is buried, legally and ethically one hopes, and will never be brought up in trial.

However, for this to happen, Lawyers will still need to know this piece of information from their clients, as it otherwise could be brought up by the prosecution, effectively ending the case.

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People Divulge Which Harmful Things Are Still Being Taught To Children Today
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

There is an ongoing concern that politicians are becoming too involved in what can and cannot be taught in classrooms.

Indeed, even with the school year in full swing, too many Florida public schools continue to find themselves insufficiently staffed with teachers, several of who resigned out of protest, following the controversial "don't say gay" bill, or being told they could not display historical Black figures on their bulletin boards.

It is in the single digits when children are at their most impressionable, when they begin to learn what's right and what's wrong, as well as how to treat others with kindness and compassion.

Making the dangerous information, or misinformation, or lack thereof which they are taught in schools and elsewhere all the more problematic, to the point of dangerous.

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People Divulge The Most Unsettling Data They Discovered That Google Stored About Them
Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

"Big Brother is watching you..."

The famous words from George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, which tells the story of a world governed by omnipresent surveillance.

Today, however, many people are under increased paranoia that their every step is being monitored by the government, or by the world's largest corporations.

Not helping their fears, is when people look back on information collected by their Google data, and see that virtually every step they've taken has been documented.

Even things some people might not remember doing themselves.

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