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Unusual Facts Most People Don't Know

"Reddit user Own_Championship7862 asked: 'What’s an unusual fact that most people don’t know?'"

A man floats on his back in the ocean, while reading a book
Photo by Toa Heftiba

There will never be enough time to consume all the facts and figures life has to offer.

My favorite type of new info is strange and unusual facts.

They're great for parties and first dates.

And one should always be ready to be on a quiz show.

You never know when it could happen.

And knowing the length of a giraffe's legs could win you millions.

Or make you the most interesting chatterbox in a room.

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Floating illuminated lightbulb
Rohan Makhecha/Unsplash

Thanks to many inquisitive researchers throughout our world's history, many of life's greatest phenomena have been solved and explained.

But even with the plethora of resources available at our fingertips detailing how things work or why they came to existence, some scientific facts remain baffling.

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A young man lays face down on ice holding a white flag
Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

We can have some things explained something over and over and over, and the details may never stick.

It doesn't mean we're dumb, not everything is meant to click.

Maybe you're more inclined to English and history, so science and math elude you. Or vice versa.

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Woman with her eyes covered
June O/Unsplash

They say ignorance is bliss.

For example, finding out about a what a person enjoys in their spare time that isn't necessarily something you would find relatable could be enough to alter your perception of them.

Or discovering something about your current significant other's past that you strongly object to–even though it didn't happen while you were dating–can be enough for you to call it quits.

Sometimes, you wish you never knew about these things, but once the information is out there, you can't get the toothpaste back in the tube, you know?

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There is little more nerve-wracking than a first date.

Particularly when it's a set-up or a blind date, where you know little to nothing about the person you're meeting.

Making the potential for a long stretch of awkward silence likely to the point of inevitable.

This is why it's important to come prepared with some questions at the ready.

Not only to avoid silence but also to get to know the person sitting across from you a bit better.

Simple questions such as their favorite ice cream flavor, the movie they could watch over and over again, the last book that made them cry, or the one ingredient they asked to be left off their cobb salad can easily determine whether or not there is any chance of a second date.

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