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Friends Of Social Media Influencers Explain What They're Really Like

Reddit user superfuncity asked: 'IRL friends of social media “influencers”: what is it like?'

When people are asked what they do for a living and respond that they're an "influencer", they will likely be met with an equal amount of fascination and eye rolls.

While it's easy to laugh off, even bemoan the increasing number of influencers working today, one must appreciate the care they take in their content.

Turning posts into a carefully edited art form which gains them more and more followers every day.

Even so, glamorous as their lives appear on their pages, one can't help but wonder what life is actually like for them.

Or better yet, what it's like spending time with an influencer, most of whom document every hour of their day for new content.

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The Most Outrageous Photoshoot Requests From Instagram Influencers According To Photographers

Taking selfies has become a standard operating procedure that is handy for instant gratification after posting them on social media.

But that's not enough for influencers trying to boost their presence online and prefer having elaborate photoshoots in various situations and locations.

So they enlist the help of professionals to help them achieve their goals.

However, some of the specific requests influencers have can be headscratchers or downright offensive.

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People Share The Things They Find Completely Overrated

For the life of me, I can't understand how anyone could still watch The Walking Dead. I just checked and the damn thing has had 11 seasons. 11 seasons!

Can you imagine?

People enjoy watching characters follow a set of train tracks for an entire season I guess. (For context, I made it to the beginning of the seventh season before I threw in the towel, and it was really testing my patience well before then.)

But there's so much more out there that's equally overrated. Television is the least of our problems.

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