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Inexpensive Purchases That Greatly Improved People's Lives

Reddit user degenerateunicorn asked: 'What inexpensive purchase improved your life greatly?'

Guy holding shopping bags
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

As a society, we have made this general correlation that spending more means receiving a higher-quality item.

But sometimes we need to remember that affordable purchases are totally worth our time, and sometimes those purchases prove to be the true game-changers.

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People Describe The Coolest Thing They Own That Isn't Even Super Expensive
Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

Price and quality don't necessarily correlate.

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The best gift anyone has ever given me has been a bag of sea shells. They cost nothing, but it was a profoundly moving moment to realize this person had been saving the sea shells I'd been handing him since I was a child.

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