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People Break Down Which Things Feel Like Torture But Aren't
Photo by Yusuf Belek on Unsplash

I know we're a culture full of over the top whiners.

We love to go on and on about all the things that bother us.

And all of the life impediments that stand in the way of our happiness.

But we need to dial it down a notch.

There is a difference between actual bodily harm and an inconvenience.

Redditor seesnawsnappy wanted to mull over what aspects of life make us feel like actual pain but maybe we're exaggerating. They asked:

"What isn't torture but feels like it?"
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People Divulge Which Inconveniences They Hate With A Passion
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

It's easy to be annoyed over petty things. We just have no time for nonsense when untoward actions get in the way of us trying to go about our day.

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Pet peeves are there to remind us that we truly, are, human.

Why is it that someone tapping us on the shoulder rather than simply saying "excuse me?" sends us flying off the handle in such a way that we just want to strike them?

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People Explain Which Minor Inconveniences Absolutely Drive Them Crazy
Image by Shanon from Pixabay

A pet peeve is basically there to push you over the edge for no apparent reason.

They creep up on you, unexpectedly, when you're just trying to have a good day, and devastate your already frayed nerves.

What did we ever do to deserve this?

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People Share The Biggest Inconveniences They've Had When Someone Tried To Help Them
Martin Novak/Getty Images

People like to try to help; they want to feel useful, and show gratitude to those who have helped them. Sometimes that "helping" turns out to be the exact opposite though, and it makes the job that much harder than it would have been in the first place.

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