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The Worst Parts About Being Left-Handed
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Roughly 12 percent of the world's population is left handed.

Studies have shown that being in this distinct minority comes with a number of advantages.

Indeed, four the last seven Presidents of the United States were all left-handed,

And considering Phil Mickelson, Rafael Nadal and Oscar De La Hoya are all left-handed as well, it seems lefties are at an advantage on the field or in the court or arena.

Though, if you were to speak to a left-handed person about their experience, they'll more than likely bemoan all the disadvantages of being a lefty.

Of which, there are admittedly several.

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People Break Down Which Things Feel Like Torture But Aren't
Photo by Yusuf Belek on Unsplash

I know we're a culture full of over the top whiners.

We love to go on and on about all the things that bother us.

And all of the life impediments that stand in the way of our happiness.

But we need to dial it down a notch.

There is a difference between actual bodily harm and an inconvenience.

Redditorseesnawsnappywanted to mull over what aspects of life make us feel like actual pain but maybe we're exaggerating. They asked:

"What isn't torture but feels like it?"
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People Divulge Which Things Instantly Piss Them Off
Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Ask me what little thing pisses me off and... I wouldn't know where to begin.

Oh, Lord. What does that say about me? Yikes.

You see, there's no shortage of things out there that annoy the hell out of us.

There's a recent viral meme that I love because it proudly declares, "I hate going out in public because the people be there." It speaks to me.

But there's more out there to get on our nerves than just people.

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I used to get really angry when the train would be delayed. I used to rush, rush, rush everywhere I went, and drive myself crazy. Finally, I stopped. I don't rush for anyone.

But I have still witnessed people have public meltdowns on train platforms. It's okay, they can't all ascend to a higher realm of consciousness as I have. (Just kidding!) Just don't get me started on how I get when I stub my toe...

It turns out I'm not the only one who has a thing against minor inconveniences. People shared their thoughts after Redditor finallyhomemusic asked the online community,

"What is something that bothers you more than it should?"
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People Explain Which Minor Inconveniences Aggravate Them The Most When Eating
Tamas Pap on Unsplash

Enjoying a meal is one of life's simple pleasures.

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